Emotionally Intelligent leadership is an important determinant of success in business: higher productivity, better customer satisfaction, retention of employees, lower rates of accidents, absenteeism and grievances and improved team functioning.

Re-Sources Organizational Support Newsletter

Workplace Consultations

Effective at Helping Your Employees Work Well

Investment in prevention and positive proactive services means more serious emergencies and workforce problems are avoided. Our organizational consultation and assistance services, in both the office and at manufacturing settings, have provided clients with significant financial and personnel benefits. For the organization, this means a positive ROI.

We work within either the off or on-site service model and provide organizational consultation and assistance services to employees, union representatives, supervisors & managers. An experienced consultant/counsellor understands the culture and company framework. From the on-site location, these organizational consultations often lead to early detection and resolution of contentious problems. They can also lead to new training initiatives for employees and supervisors.

True Stories:

The best way to explain our unique organizational assistance and consultation services is through the following true stories: