Emotionally Intelligent leadership is an important determinant of success in business: higher productivity, better customer satisfaction, retention of employees, lower rates of accidents, absenteeism and grievances and improved team functioning.

Re-Sources Organizational Support Newsletter

Emotional Intelligence

"An organization's fitness to compete successfully depends not so much on its financial capital or intellectual capital but more importantly on its social capital – the collective value of people who know each other and what they'll do for each other. It's human networks that make things happen, not computer networks."

The Leadership Challenge, by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

Working with Emotional Intelligence

This course is designed to strengthen emotional intelligence skills for anyone in a supervisory and/or managerial role. It is based on workplace research which shows that emotionally intelligent leadership is an important determinant of success in business. The results show up in a several measurable variables including: higher productivity, better customer satisfaction, retention of employees, lower rates of accidents, absenteeism and grievances and improved team functioning.

Emotional intelligence (E.Q.) is defined as a set of abilities that determines the quality in interactions among people, and comprises the:

  1. ability to perceive emotions accurately (in self and others)
  2. ability to access and generate emotions to aid optimal thinking
  3. ability to understand emotions in self and others
  4. ability to manage emotions in self and others

The course will assist participants:

Participants will receive confidential testing in the experiential and strategic abilities that make up the core of emotional intelligence. This is done using the MSCEIT (Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test), the only objective "ability" test currently available. Test results will be shared, confidentially with each participant, and will guide the development of personalized, one-on-one learning/coaching program in follow up meetings with one of the trainers.

The trainers, Vince Ferrari, M.S.W., R.S.W. and Russell Carpentier, M.S.W., R.S.W., are certified to administer the MSCEIT and are very experienced clinicians and workplace consultants.

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