Investment in prevention and positive proactive mental health services for employees yields the largest ROI for organizations.

Re-Sources Organizational Support Newsletter

How to Choose an EAP Provider

Enhanced Mental Health Counselling Services

Almost all businesses offer their employees some sort of EAP or mental health service. These services can be short term, face-to-face, by telephone or internet based. This is sufficient for about 80% of the issues faced by organizations.

How does Enhanced Mental Health Counselling Service help?

Say an employee suffers from a mental health “meltdown”. Who can you call, other than 911? This employee is highly valued and needs to be seen quickly and then for a longer period of time to assist in the recovery process. Often a company needs some type of “organizational care” to cope with these traumatic episodes. Not all Human Resource professionals are trained to know what to do when a distraught employee threatens to hurt him/herself.

At Source Line we have the experience necessary to handle these situations.

Problems like difficult marital breakups, severe drug and alcohol dependencies, accidental or suicidal death in the workplace are not solved by visiting a website or with telephone therapies. With our “in-house” psychiatry and seasoned clinicians, Source Line can provide your organization with more comprehensive service.

Caring. At every level.

For many companies, we provide this enhanced mental health service to upper level employees so that organizations are able to offer their highly valued employees the best mental health/work life wellness environment possible.

Talk to us about your employee mental health needs. Together we can create a program that best suits your organization.