Emotionally Intelligent leadership is an important determinant of success in business: higher productivity, better customer satisfaction, retention of employees, lower rates of accidents, absenteeism and grievances and improved team functioning.

Re-Sources Organizational Support Newsletter

Building a Respectful Workplace

This interactive workshop will help participants understand what constitutes workplace discrimination and harassment, and the steps to take to ensure a healthy environment.

The various forms harassment can take, such as but not limited to sexual harassment, racism, verbal abuse and discrimination will be discussed. Employees and managers will gain information about their responsibilities, while developing the skills and awareness needed to work together to ensure a harassment-free environment.

The emotional impact of harassment and discrimination on victims will be discussed and relevant case examples provided.

You Will Learn:

Exact training content is custom designed to meet client needs.


  1. Information and skill building on valuing differences
  2. Impact of stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination in the workplace
  3. Legal responsibilities and Human Rights laws
  4. Tools and guidelines for responding to diversity-related conflict
  5. Defining, identifying and responding to harassment
  6. Responding to inappropriate humour or comments
  7. Supporting co-workers who have experienced harassment
  8. Creating a zero tolerance environment
  9. Developing a personal action plan

Who Should Attend: